Please Note: Care has been taken to correctly identify and properly name all of the images in this section, particularly the insects where the scientific names have been added for species identification and clarity. However, I rely on many third party sources for the purpose id identification. Using the information contained in this website is at your own risk, I cannot, and do not guarantee any correctness in identity. If you see an error feel free to email that information to me using the contact page.
These musical sensations entertain us with melodic and beautiful songs.
We are blessed with diverse collection of mammals in Oklahoma..
Hawks, Falcons,, & Ow;s
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
These birds travel through our state when they are migrating in the spring and fall.
Very intelligent birds that hep keep the environment clean by scavenging..
Herons. Egrets & Storks
Stately stalkers. I think that best describes these birds.From fish to snakes and insects, they eat anything.
Invasive birds disrupt the environment. and have severely challenged native birds territories.
These birds love water!e.
These birds have provided food for many tables both past and present..
Mostly found in zoos and private collections..
Snails and worms… What more is there ro say?
Native Oklahoma plants, wildflowers, and trees, with many garden and house plants we have in our hardens.
These “ghosts of the night” are rarely seen by most people unless they come to an outdoor light.
The amazing metamorphous of butterflies and moths begins here.
Little known and largely ignored, beetles serve as pest control, pollinators, and scavengers– all beneficial functions.
Most people call them”creepy crawlies”, but this interesting group of insects plays an important ecological role.
Songsters of he fields, prairies and woodlands. .
One of the most diverse groups of insects. Flies are comprised of pests and beneficial species such as robber flies.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
I know, spiders are not most peoples favorite. Without them we would be overrun with other insects.
Reptiles & Amphibians
Snakes, lizards, frogs, toads, and alligators